Dota Hotkey Manager - This is a small program that will allow you to to help with creeping/denying.
Run in the background, while warcraft 3 is running.
Download link:
Hotkey Manager
Run in the background, while warcraft 3 is running.
- Hit '[' to show friendly health-bars.
- Hit ']' to show enemy health-bars.
- Alt + 1 - writes, "Top missing" and sends to allies.
- Alt + 2 - writes, "Middle Missing" and sends to allies.
- Alt + 3 - writes, "Bottom Missing" and sends to allies.
- S- takes you to the last ping, then recentres.
- A- hover over the creep you need to kill, then press A, it will automatically attack that creep
- Alt + Caps Lock - (disables hotkey, or just tap enter a couple of times) use this if you need to chat.
Download link:
Hotkey Manager