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Mostly Used DotA Abbreviations

Mostly Used DotA Abbreviations

Mostly Used Abbreviations:

* AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned
* AFAICS As Far As I Can See
* AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
* AFAIK As Far As I Know
* AFAIR As Far As I Remember
* AFK Away From Keyboard
* AFN that's All For Now
* AISB As I Said before
* AISI As I See it
* AIUI As I Understand it
* AKA Also Known As
* AoE Area Of Effect
* AOTA All Of The Above
* AP Attack Power / All Pick
* APM Actions per minute
* ASAP As Soon as Possible
* ASL Age, Sex, Location?
* ASLP Age, Sex, Location, Picture?
* ATM At The Moment
* ATYS Anything You Say
* AWA As Well As
* AYR As You Requested
* AYOR At Your Own Risk
* B Back

* B& Banned (BAnd)
* B/C Because
* B4 Before
* B4N Bye For Now
* BAC Back At Computer
* BAK Back At Keyboard
* BAT Base Attack Time
* BBIAM Be Back In A Minute
* BBL Be Back Later
* BBS Be Back Soon
* BCNU Be Seeing You
* BD Big Deal / Back door
* BF Boyfriend
* BFF best friends forever
* BFN Bye For Now
* BG Battle-Ground
* BLP Bad Luck Partner
* BM Bottom miss
* BOT Back On Topic / Boots Of Travel
* BR Best Regards
* BRT Be Right There
* BRB Be Right Back
* BRH Be Right Here
* BS Backstab
* BTW By The Way
* CFV Call For Votes
* CG Computer Graphics
* CMIIW Correct Me If I'm wrong
* CnC Comment and Critique
* COZ because
* CU See You
* CUL See You Later.
* CUL8R See You Later
* CUOL See You On Line
* CWOT Complete Waste Of Time
* CWYL Chat With You Later.
* CYA See Ya
* CYL8R see ya later
* CYM Check Your Mail
* CYO See You Online
* CYT See You Tomorrow
* DEGT Don't Even Go There
* DHYB Don't Hold Your Breath
* DIAF Die In a Fire
* DIKU Do I Know You?
* DIS Did I Say
* DIY Do It Yourself
* DL Download
* DND Do Not Disturb
* DOA Dead On Arrival
* DOT Damage over time
* DPM Damage Per Mana
* DPS Damage Per Second
* DR Damage Reduction / Divine Rapier
* EM E-Mail
* EMA E-mail Address
* EOD End Of Discussion
* EOF End Of File
* EOL End Of Lecture
* EOM End Of Message
* EOS End Of Show / Eye Of Skadi
* EOT End Of Thread
* EZ Easy
* F2F Face To Face
* FA First Aid
* FAAK Falling Asleep At Keyboard
* FAQ Frequently Asked Question
* FC Fingers Crossed
* FCOL For Crying Out Loud
* FFS For F**** Sake
* FISH First In Still Here
* FOC Free Of Charge
* FOCL Falling Off Chair Laughing
* FTASB Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
* FTL Faster Than Light / For The Loss
* FTW For the win / F*** the world
* FTS F*** This S***
* FU F*** You
* FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
* FWIW For What It's Worth
* FYA For Your Amusement
* FYE For Your Entertainment
* FYI For Your Information
* G2G Gotta go / Got to go
* GA Go Ahead
* GAFIA Get Away From It All
* GAL Get A Life
* GDI God Damn It
* GF Girlfriend
* GFN Gone For Now
* GG Good Game
* GGN Gotta Go Now
* GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here
* GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
* GIWIST Gee, I Wish I'd Said That.
* GJ Good Job
* GL Good Luck / God Learner
* GLHF Good luck, have fun
* GLP Good luck partner
* GM Good Move / Game Master
* GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
* GOSU Got Owned and needs to Shut Up / GOD of Starcraft Universe / Expert or PRO
* GR Gotta Run
* GR8 Great
* GTFO Get The F*** Out
* GTG Got To Go
* GTR Got To Run
* GTRM Going To Read Mail
* GW Good work
* H/O Hold On
* HAGD Have A Good Day
* HAGO Have A Good One
* HAND Have A Nice Day
* HB Hurry Back
* HCIT How Cool Is That?
* HF Have Fun
* HH Ha-Ha
* HH Holding Hands
* HHOJ Ha Ha, Only Joking
* HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding
* HHVF Ha-ha, Very Funny
* HIWTH Hate It When That Happens
* HoT Heal over time / Heart Of Tarrasque
* HOAS Hold On A Second
* HPM Healing Per Mana
* HPS Healing Per Second
* HTH Hope That Helps
* IAC In Any Case
* IAE In Any Event
* IAS Increase Attack Speed
* IB I'm Back
* IC I See
* ICQ I Seek You.
* IDC I Dont Care
* IDGADv I Don't Give A Damn.
* IDGI I Don't Get It
* IDK I Don't Know
* IDN I Don't kNow
* IDTS I Don't Think So
* IGSR I'm Gonna Solo Roshan
* IGTG I got to go
* IHNC I have no clue
* IIRC Internet Relay Chat
* IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly
* IK I Know
* IKWUM I Know What You Mean
* ILU I Love You
* ILY I Love You
* IM Instant Message
* IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion
* IMBA Imbalanced
* IMBO in My Biased Opinion
* IMCO In My Considered Opinion
* IME In My Experience
* IMHO In My Humble/Honest Opinion
* IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
* IMO In My Opinion
* INPO In No Particular Order
* INRS It's Not Rocket Science
* IOH I'm Outta Here
* IOW In Other Words
* IRDK i really dont know
* IRL In Real Life
* ISTM It Seems To Me
* ISTR I Seem To Recall
* ITA I Totally Agree
* IYO In Your Opinion
* J Joking
* JAM Just A Minute.
* JAS Just A Second
* JIC Just In Case
* JK Just Kidding
* JMO Just My Opinion
* JW Just Wondering
* JWG Just a Wild Guess
* K OK
* KIR Keepin' It Real
* KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
* KIT Keep In Touch
* KS Kill Steal
* KWIM Know What I Mean?
* L Laugh
* L2P Learn To Play
* LF Looking For
* LFG Looking For Group
* LFM Looking For More
* L8R Later
* LMAO Laughing My @** Off
* LMK Let Me Know
* LOL Laughing Out Loud
* LOLLOL Little Old Lady Laughing Out loud
* LOM Low on mana
* LTNS Long Time No See
* M8 Mate
* ME2 Me Too
* MIA Moron in action! / Missing In Action
* MM Middle miss / Mirror Match
* MMA Meet Me At...
* MMAMP Meet Me At My Place
* MT Main tank
* MYOB Mind Your Own Business
* N/C Not Cool
* NAA not at all
* NBD No Big Deal
* NE1 Anyone
* NFW No F****** Way
* NGH not gonna happen
* NM Nevermind
* NO1 No-one
* NP No Problem
* NRN No Reply Necessary
* NT No Thanks
* NTL Never The Less
* NVM Nevermind / Nothing Very Much
* NW No Way / No worries / Nice work
* OAO Over And Out
* OBTW Oh, By The Way.
* OFC Of Course
* OIC Oh, I See
* OJ Only Joking
* OK Only Kidding
* OKW/E ok what-ever
* OMW On my way
* OP Original Post / Original Poster / Over Powered
* OOTB Out Of The Box
* OOM Out Of Mana
* ORLY O Really
* OT Off Topic
* OTE Over The Edge
* OTOH On The Other Hand
* OTT Over The Top
* OTW On The Way
* Pat Patrol
* PLZ Please
* POV Point Of View
* PP Pull plug
* PPL People
* PRO Professional
* QFE Quoted For Excellence
* QFT Quoted For Truth
* RFC Request For Comment
* RL Real Life
* ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
* ROFLMAO Rolling On Floor, Laughing My A** Off
* ROTF Rolling On The Floor
* ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
* ROSH Roshan
* RPG Role Playing Game
* RSN Real Soon Now
* RTFAQ Read The FAQ
* RU Are You?
* RUOK Are You OK?
* RW Real World
* S/B Should Be
* SFSG So Far So Good
* SH Same Here
* SIF As If / Secret Internet Fatty
* SITD Still In The Dark
* SOS Same Old Stuff
* SPST Same Place, Same Time
* STFU Shut The F*** Up
* STR8 Straight
* STW Search The Web
* SY Sincerely Yours
* SYL See You Later
* SYS See Ya Soon
* TAFN That's All For Now
* TBC To Be Continued
* TBH To Be Honest
* TBFU Too Bad For You
* TC Take Care
* TGIF Thank God It's Friday
* THX Thanks
* TIA Thanks In Advance
* TLDR Too Long, Didn't Read
* TM Text Message / Top Miss
* TMA Take My Advice
* TMI Too Much Information
* TNT Till Next Time
* TNX Thanks
* TPS Totally pointless stuff
* TTFN Ta-Ta For Now
* TVM Thanks Very Much
* TWIMC To Whom It May Concern
* TY Thank You
* TYP Thank you partner
* TYT Take Your Time
* TYVM Thank You Very Much
* U2 You Too
* W/ With
* W/E Whatever
* W/O Without
* W2F Way Too Funny
* W8 Wait
* W8AM Wait A Minute
* WB Welcome Back
* WC WelCome / Wrong Channel
* WD Well done
* WDMB Will Do My Best
* WDP Well Done Partner
* WFM Works For Me / Wait for me
* WOW World Of Warcraft
* WPP Well Played Partner
* wWPO Well Played Opponents
* WTB Want To Buy
* WT? What The ...? or Who the ...?
* WTF What The F***?
* WTG Way To Go
* WTH What The Hell
* WUBU2 What you been up to
* Y Why?
* WW Wind walk
* YR Yea, Right.
* YRG You Are Good!
* YVW You're Very Welcome
* YW You're Welcome
* YWSYLS You Win Some, You Lose Some
* ZZZ Sleepy, bored or tired
* 2L8 Too late
* 2U2 To You Too
* 4EVER forever
* 4GM Forgive me
* 4RL? For Real

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