The latest version of GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack with a quick fix on "Click here if you get Fatal Error!" error.
How to use GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack
1. Download and extract content
2. Open GM.exe (garenamaster)
3. Click 'Enable MH' button
4. Then open warcraft 3 directly or from garena
5. Then press F5 to activate maphack in game
6. Enjoy! Now you you have an activated maphack
Update: Go to GarenaMaster MapHack download page to get the latest GarenaMaster Maphack that works for the latest Garena update.
Download the complete GarenaMaster - GarenaM4St3R MapHack Guide with pictures.
If this maphack don't work, use garena universal maphack v11 - gumh v11 instead.
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Changelogs
Version: 45.00 - [2010/09/12]
- Button: "Click here if you get Fatal Error!" fixed, if you still get fatal error, click on it again!
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Download
GM.rar mirror 1
GM.rar mirror 2 uploading ...
How to use GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack
1. Download and extract content
2. Open GM.exe (garenamaster)
3. Click 'Enable MH' button
4. Then open warcraft 3 directly or from garena
5. Then press F5 to activate maphack in game
6. Enjoy! Now you you have an activated maphack
Update: Go to GarenaMaster MapHack download page to get the latest GarenaMaster Maphack that works for the latest Garena update.
Download the complete GarenaMaster - GarenaM4St3R MapHack Guide with pictures.
If this maphack don't work, use garena universal maphack v11 - gumh v11 instead.
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Changelogs
Version: 45.00 - [2010/09/12]
- Button: "Click here if you get Fatal Error!" fixed, if you still get fatal error, click on it again!
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Download
GM.rar mirror 1
GM.rar mirror 2 uploading ...