"If you're looking for latest version of AI Map, please visit Latest Garena Master download page"
The latest version of GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack with NameSpoofer re-added.
How to use GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack
1. Download and extract content
2. Open GM.exe (garenamaster)
3. Click 'Enable MH' button
4. Then open warcraft 3 directly or from garena
5. Then press F5 to activate maphack in game
6. Enjoy! Now you you have an activated maphack
Update: Go to GarenaMaster MapHack download page to get the latest GarenaMaster Maphack that works for the latest Garena update.
Download the complete GarenaMaster - GarenaM4St3R MapHack Guide with pictures.
If this maphack don't work, use garena universal maphack v11 - gumh v11 instead.
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Changelogs
Version: 47.00 - [2010/10/14]
- Multi Client improved, now you will not disconnect from other client if you login with the same account, it mean that you can login how many time in the same account (Use different server from the others and check the "Advanced Network Settings (in garena login) and check "UPnP Port Forward" and "Specify Port (Bypass Firewall), each client need have different server and port!) it is not tested yet, please test and report bugs on forum, and remember: Use at you own risk!
Each client will get 50/100 exp -> 15min (basic/gold)
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack Download