Rename Your Garena ID for Free, No Hacks Needed - As it says we can rename our garena id for free but looks like this has a time duration so better change your garena name while you can.
NOTE: Any garena ID which has at least one special character ( eg : - , ^,| etc ) can be renamed for free by following these steps & most important ID with underscore ( _ ) & . is not considered...
Step 1: Go to and Login with the account you want to rename.
Step 2: A pop-up will show up which will ask you to enter your new username
Step 3: Enter your new username and click on Change now!
Have fun renaming your Garena ID and make sure to do it fast before garena closes this offer.
NOTE: Any garena ID which has at least one special character ( eg : - , ^,| etc ) can be renamed for free by following these steps & most important ID with underscore ( _ ) & . is not considered...
Step 1: Go to and Login with the account you want to rename.
Step 2: A pop-up will show up which will ask you to enter your new username
Step 3: Enter your new username and click on Change now!
Have fun renaming your Garena ID and make sure to do it fast before garena closes this offer.