"If you're looking for latest version of AI Map, please visit Latest Garena Master download page"
This is the latest version of Garena Master MapHack v96.01 - GarenaM4ST3R v96.01 MapHack for 1.26a that works with the latest garena updates (updated to new garena as of June 20, 2012).
It also supports older version of Warcraft patch
- 1.24e, 1.25a, 1.25b
Note: Always bear in mind that cheating is not good, so please use this responsibly.
In-Game Commands:
Default hotkeys (you can change it at GM.EXE/War3/Set Hotkeys):
- Alt + F1: Enable/Disable selected features on GM.EXE/War3 tab.
- Alt + F2: Zoom In
- Alt + F3: Zoom Out
Step by Step, Guide:
- Download Garena Master Hack.
- Extract the files to any folder.
- Run GM.exe
- If you play on Battle.net jump to step 8
- Check the "Auto Patch" and "Host Hack"
- Click in Start Garena
- If you want, customize the features in Garena tab and click in Patch
- In GM.EXE select your war3 folder in "Select W3X Folder"
- In GM.EXE select the wanted features in War3 Tab and click in Install (Only the first time, with war3 open)
- Open the war3 and Enjoy!
Note: After you download the new version of GM, always delete all of the files from the old version before installing the new one.
Garena Master - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack download link
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