What you are about to see is what we think is the most detailed work showing how DotA started and soon becomes the most popular and most-discussed free game mod in the world.
Credits and all thanks to GameArena for this wonderful image.
Here are the basic principles of Dota
- Dota is a game between two opposing teams
- Each team aims to destroy opposing team's base
- Player controls one hero character
- Level up character and purchase extra equipment with gold as game progresses
- Both teams have extra units spawned by the computer to assist your hero in battle
Where did Dota started?
Dota started as a mod in Starcraft Aeon of Strife map.
Credits and all thanks to GameArena for this wonderful image.
Here are the basic principles of Dota
- Dota is a game between two opposing teams
- Each team aims to destroy opposing team's base
- Player controls one hero character
- Level up character and purchase extra equipment with gold as game progresses
- Both teams have extra units spawned by the computer to assist your hero in battle
Where did Dota started?
Dota started as a mod in Starcraft Aeon of Strife map.